Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This hurricane was fun and sad at the same time because there was people that lost there homes . The damage that occur to every body in Galveston wow that was some thing .The part of the hurricane that hit Houston was not that bad but still got people scared traumatised for like hours or days .Now that we back in school it might but back to normal but not to every body because some students or teachers don't have light and that means that no air conditioning , which there house or apartment is hot . I just thank god that i got my light which it took like three days later but I didn't get any damages to my apartment , and some houses to I'm just happy that we did not have to come to school and miss a week and a day .

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My favorite food is Italian
My favorite music is bachata .
My favorite t.v show is novels .
My favorite subject in school is history because i all ways pass it and really interesting how owr ancestors lived before and what type of laws they had back then .
My strengths are , i get things done in a matter of time that they give us to do it . Weaknesses? i do have some when I'm lazy to do some thing or i just for get what i had to do and then it comes back to me and i just do what i have to do .
Sometimes but i go over every thing that i have to but when i have the test in front of me i blank out and for get every thing .
From this class i would like to learn every thing
How would i divide the work in to equal parts
i would be a great group member because I'm a lay back an d cool person and likes to get things done at the time it has to be done .

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

**AbOuT mE**

My name is gaby ,and im in the 11th grade . My favortive color is pruple , black and blue . my dream car is a blue ford mustang and ready to race . The destination is the los Angeles,Califroina becaues is a really fun place to be at and to have fun mostly in the beaches and to races is all me .

*my experience*

Hi my name is gaby and im a junior in spring woods high .Well my experience with my frist blog was good because it is me first one and i hope i get better at it .