Friday, September 4, 2009

my life is not complete

i think so many things and yet i don't do none of them . i say things and just have it on mind and no i just don't get it done or i just don't do it i have some probmles and i don't now how to fix them still but i'm always herer for people but when i need from some one there is no body there for me i can't count on no one becaues they don't want to hear what i have to say i see that friends no there are no friends in this wrold becaues if there was it would be perefet but you just have to count on oyur self and make your self the best friend there is ... If you think about it is true because you now what you have done and from there is haerd to tell some one every thing with detils that are so personal and only you my now about that is y in my posission i don't have any if i had i wouldn't be